Damn I've been meaning to post on this thing for a while just never got around to it,
But as of right now Bridge is busy uploading some pictures to my hard drive so I can some time to kill.
I did indeed do that kitchen wine thing that I was planning to do and once again turned my Kitchen into a little studio.
It's more or less accepted by my house mates now given it's what I do.
That second bottle of wine is of course a layered on copy of the other, and both the Wine Glass and the bottle were shot separately, I know it's fairly obvious to the normal persons eye, but I've discovered these last few weeks that a lot of people are morons.
I'm actully quite happy with the way this photo came out, and it all came from this little test shot I did a while ago.
I was looking around a book shop one day when I saw a cover for some wine tasting book (just to clarify, I hate all booze) the cover was a lot like my test shot. Black background with only the red of the wine taking up central stage of the piece.
I tried it out my self later that day with a wine glass in my kitchen and substituting Ribena for wine. This of course led to some trouble such as little bubbles in the drink and what not.
Only one light was used ( as that's all I have at my crappy home studio) along with a bunch of reflecting cards to get the right amount of light onto the glass.
Not bad, it did give me an understanding of where to go next with my image.
For the final piece which I did some weeks later I shot them both separately with a light shining up at them from below. So I could get that nice little light around the edges of the bottle and glass
The bottle was a full frame shot of the entire bottle but I cropped it to it's current state as I like it more this way and that's the way I shot it at the time. Finally a simple copy and some little arranging of the images gave me the lovely lovely result. I do see some troubles with the photo ( I really do never like my own work) There are some red lines of light outside of the white light surrounding the glass, I did not take care enough to check to see if the glass was marked when shooting the image was there are quite a few mark visible in the final print that I must go back and try and fix.
All and all a good first attempt.
So for now call the first attempt the beta, then the nicer second attempt the prototype, now the third will be the product release!!
Now back to news about ME!
My Website is still as of yet not online.
I have the domain and all that other stuff sorted out, I just need to get that guy to do it for me, but alas or schedules don't really run right together so a meeting to discuss things is quite hard to organize.
Hopefully all will go well and I'll be able to talk to him on either Saturday or Sunday.
A negative thing about not having the website ready yet is that I've had my new cards printed up and of course they contain the websites address.
The cool thin ones I also designed (all the rage for some reason) have the blog address.
News this past month?
Not much apart from the usual, doing stuff for people to which they pay me some money so that I may pay rent and eat
FOR PHOTOS you dirty minded people!
I have one more Wedding to do come August 16th and that will be it for Wedding Photography this summer.
Wish I could do some more as it really is a great little earner and I do need to save for my rent in the winter months as I have a lot of work to do around that time which give me much time to focus on earning some green.
Still of the Red Bull, but I think my writings have suffered for it, no longer are they full of crazy ideas and rants (I miss those)
Well no time to discuss photo things in this post apart from how much I enjoyed working with that new wind machine in the studio today.
Some new photos and rants to come along sometime this week, I SWEARS!!
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